531《无痛杀手》是一部有脚本的限定剧集,故事情节虚构,探讨了美国阿片类药物危机的起源和后果,重点讲述了肇事者、受害者和寻求真相者的故事,他们的生活因奥施康定的发明彻底改变了。《无痛杀手》对犯罪、问责制和屡屡令数十万美国人失败的制度进行了审视,改编自巴里·迈耶的《PAINKILLER》一书和帕特里克·拉登 -
战火浮生 第二季
718World On Fire series two will take viewers from the streets of Britain into occupied France, Nazi Germany, and to the sands of the North African deser -
51From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of