129This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the -
836This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the -
837Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own. -
431本剧以2014年中国医疗队奔赴非洲西部多国参与抗击埃博拉出血热疫情这一事件为核心原型改编,讲述了病毒学家郑书鹏(罗晋 饰)和所在的中国医疗队猝然间遭遇西非埃博拉疫情大爆发,在非常有限的医疗条件下,用精湛的医术与病毒展开艰苦卓绝的战斗;同时,华裔调查记者何欢(毛晓彤 饰)因暗访一桩钻石走私案而深入西非